Friday, March 2, 2007

Using Urban Botanic for Staff Appreciation

My teammate Kris Vanlew was asked to do a staff appreciation party for a company. The party was the day before yesterday and 20 women not only walked away with a personalized fragrance of their own creation, they probably left with increased morale which will translate into improved productivity and loyalty for their employer.


An Urban Botanic party as a way to appreciate or recognize employees is a fantastic idea.

First, it is interactive, personal, and low-risk. Meaning, even the most introverted employee can participate in this non-threatening activity.

Have you ever been to a staff appreciation party where people are put on the spot to reveal something "personal" about themselves as a way to break the ice and build a team? Or...have you ever been to a staff party where there is no focused activity and people mill about making uncomfortable small talk? I have and I know for some people, those kinds of scenarios breed a lot of anxiety. It actually can backfire with people leaving the event with negative memories rather than positive ones. But with an Urban Botanic party everybody has fun because it ends up being about them and the custom scent they are making. What a great way to celebrate and recognize employees and the hard work they do!

Second, most managers or employers want to make their team feel special but buying personal gifts can be tricky. A fragrance party makes giving a personalized gift to each employee so simple!

The cost of doing an Urban Botanic party is actually very reasonable at a price of $12.50 to $48.00 per person. Just throw in some munchies and maybe some wine and you have the makings of an incredibly fun event! No need to rent out a special venue, just gather around the company conference table. The mixing and blending of scents transports people mentally, it certainly won't feel like a "regular" meeting.

Employees will have the chance to chat casually with each other or just focus on creating their scent. A party can even include a team-building activity if desired with the Urban Botanic Fragrance Designer acting as facilitator. And with our huge variety of scents, both men and women can participate and enjoy themselves.

The positive feelings that an event like this will breed will boost morale translating into a better functioning team and improved productivity. And tell the head of accounting that a non-cash gift of Urban Botanic products may even be tax deductible!

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