Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Now that it is officially spring, my attention turns to spring cleaning. While I am a clean person (and a bit of a germaphobe) I admit that I am not one to follow through on my organization efforts. My desk looks perpetually like it's just been through a windstorm. My car always ends up full of empty Starbucks cups and junk mail. And my garage and storage shed are two places I just choose to pretend aren't really in their current state of utter disarray (denial ain't just a river in Egypt). I may be like Martha in other aspects of my life, but not when it comes to being neat, orderly, or organized.

This is one area of my life that I am forever "working on." To that end, I have a charity coming to pick up some clothes my kids have outgrown (and some of my own that I have thankfully un-grown) on Friday. I am also scheduling a garage sale for April 13th and 14th (if you're in my neck of the woods, please swing by!).

I have also attempted to better organize my UB business. I had an unfortunate incident where a bottle of shower gel accidentally opened and leaked all over my rolling carrying case, mucking up the bottles of my other inventory. Thankfully, it cleaned right up with some Windex and baby wipes. But I decided that it wasn't the best plan to just have everything thrown into a little suitcase with no rhyme or reason.

After getting everything cleaned up, I pulled out my boxes that product has been sent to me in and stacked things neatly in there. I also bagged up my other supplies (dropper lids, disposable droppers, stir sticks) and have those all in another box. The cardboard look isn't super inspiring, however, so I am on the hunt for some kind of storage system that will keep my UB biz organized but looks great doing it.

I will post some updates on my quest for organization.

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