Monday, April 16, 2007

Wed, Thurs, Fri...etc.

The last part of my week was a blur. Here is just a brief list of what happened and what I accomplished...

I received my cards from VistaPrint and I have to say they look great. They are going out today (Monday)

We got our car back from being fixed - new front brakes at 26K!! I can't believe it. I think I want a new car!

I added a new team member - Avis from California. Yay!

I heard from a lifestyle editor of a popular local wedding blog. I am just waiting to set up a day/time to meet with her. I'm super excited about this!

I sent out a promo for Mother's Day to 40 women. I did this through Constanct Contact and used a direct link to PayPal.

My daughter continued to get sicker, adding a severe cough to her fever. I spent 3 hours in urgent care with her yesterday. She had chest x-rays done to rule out pneumonia. Luckily she doesn't have pneumonia, just a really, really bad cold.

We finally tackled the garage. We hauled out a truck full of junk that was just trash to go to the dump. Of the remaining items in the garage, over 2/3 are earmarked for a garage sale (maybe this upcoming weekend?) and the remaining 1/3 are things to keep. Phew!

And the last bit of news is that I qualified for UB Scentsational with a week to spare! Hooray!!! It certainly feels good to achieve a goal like that! :)

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