Thursday, April 26, 2007

Start Now for Urban Botanic School Fundraisers

Didn't it seem like the time between Spring Break and the last day of school took FOREVER when you were a student? I can remember in elementary school just being filled with anticipation E-V-E-R-Y S-I-N-G-L-E excrutiating loooong D-A-Y for Field Day, our annual end of the school year ritual where we actually got to wear shorts to school (shorts! to school!!!) and win ribbons for exciting feats of athleticism like the 3-legged race.

Now, doesn't it seem like as a parent those last 6-8 weeks of a school year just fly by in an absolute chaotic blur? I work at a school, too, so it really feels like a blur where we are all running around in a manic daze just trying to get things done.

And then BOOM it seems like in no time at all, it's the beginning of a new school year.

For most school groups, they begin planning out their year at the beginning of a school year if not before. And they do this during all of the hubbub and buzz of a brand new year. It stands to reason that this could be why many groups tend to do the same fundraisers year after year. If it ain't broke, why fix it? There are so many other things to think about and crossing your fundraising plan off the to-do list is even easier if you stick to what you've already been doing.

This is why I recommend that if you want to approach a school group to do an Urban Botanic fundraiser, you get in contact with them now. The group coordinator (usually a school administrator or teacher) will likely have some time to mull over the idea during the summer break. You might even be able to meet with her or him to go over questions and work out a plan for implementing an Urban Botanic fundraiser before the new school year hits.

Now if you are reading this thinking "but, Kelsey, I haven't even THOUGHT of using Urban Botanic to do a fundraiser!", let me outline some of the reasons you should consider it:
  • It's great exposure for your business.
  • It gets your name in front of people right in your own backyard
  • There is a high likelihood of repeat orders

  • You stand a great chance of booking some parties
  • You also stand a great chance of building your team through meeting new potential consultants
  • It's great PR to say you helped raise money for a youth organization/group/team
How you would structure the fundraiser is up to you. A great example is Lauri Hetzer in Ohio. She has a plan to do a cheerleader fundraiser where she is giving them a cut of her commission and is selling a 3-product set as a presale. Then, she will be scheduling workshops for people to come make their scent and blend it into the pre-purchased products. I think it sounds like a winner!

I also found a great template letter that you can use to send off to a group who might be interested in doing a UB fundraiser. I suggest calling the school or organization and getting the name of the person coordinating the group so you can address it directly to her. You can customize the wording on the letter as you see fit but it gives you a great starting point.

Now, go forth and fundraise!


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