Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How is your PMA?

PMA - positive mental attitude.

I remember people saying that all the time back in high school. Mostly my friends who were on sports teams. On the cheer squad, we would say it, too, and we talked about what it meant to be a member of a team and the attitude we portrayed to the community.

It's easy, as an adult, to forget about PMA sometimes. I thought this short little article was a nice pep talk and I wanted to share it. Whether you are starting a business (like me with Urban Botanic) or you have a job working for someone else, it's a nice reminder about the power of PMA.

It even sounds a little cheerleader-ly! ;)

Decide to Be Fired Up!
Jan Ruhe
copied from

Use every email and call you make
Every conversation you have
Every meeting you hold or attend
To let everyone know your dreams and desires
Let people know of your vision of what you expect
Fire Up! others around you
Fire Up! and forgive those who have hurt you
Fire Up! your vocabulary and choose your words carefully
You are a powerful person
Spread the fire of desire
Radiate your passion
Believe in yourself
Concentrate on what you do right
No human is perfect, forgive yourself
You can't change the past
on your goals, your dreams and your hopes
Believe in miracles, expect them do not be surprised by them
Come to the table of plenty, there is a place set for you
Your success will be served on a silver platter

Stay Fired up no matter what.
The day you decide is the day that your life will change for the better forever.

Decide to stay Fired Up! For life!

- Jan Ruhe

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