Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Defining Strategy and Tactics

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. - Sun Tzu (Chinese General, circa 500 BC)

I love that quote.

In my career in marketing communications, it was several years before I really understood the difference between strategy and tactics. Likely, this is due to the fact that the first few years of my career, I only dealt with tactics. The strategy talks happened between the clients and people higher on the food chain in my group. I was just called in toward the end to "make it so", i.e. create the ad to go in whatever publication, design the brochure / program / invitation for whatever event.

Over the years as I moved up the food chain, I began to be brought in earlier and earlier in the process and realized that earlier, I had been operating half in the dark - I didn't know the "why" to the "what". Once I was aware of the "big picture" in whatever campaign I was working on, i.e. the strategy AND the tactics, I became so much more effective as a communicator.

In creating my marketing plans for my Urban Botanic business, I started reflecting on strategy and tactics. Especially since my budget is tight (my own personal money) and my time is at a premium. I stumbled across this little glossary on another website and thought I would share it here:

Objectives 101.
What is an objective?.
What is a goal?. What is a strategy?.
What is a tactic?.
What is a plan?

Objectives and Goals.
Objective a : something toward which effort is directed : an aim, goal, or end of action b : a strategic position to be attained or a purpose to be achieved by a military operation.

Goal a : the end toward which effort is directed : AIM (Also a specific, measurable achievement behind an objective)

Business: How to make money from spending money - Engineering, Finance, Operations, Marketing Sales.
Marketing: How to build demand with the market place - Product, Price, Place, Promotion . Communications: How to promote effectively - Messaging, Media.
Personal: How to contribute to all of the above

Strategy a : The science of military command, or the science of projecting campaigns and directing great military movements; generalship. . The set of decisions made to best ensure achievement of the desired objectives, based on an assessment of:... one's own current situation/position; capabilities & shortcoming; competitive position... options/alternatives -- risks ... timing

Tactic a : a device for accomplishing an end; b : a method of employing forces in combat. The set of requirements for a plan to take effect

Tactical vs. Strategic.
Always relative to one another.

Tactics: the set of actions taken to fulfill a strategy

Plan a : a scheme devised; a method of action or procedure expressed or described in language; a project; as, the plan of a constitution; the plan of an expedition. . The combination of objectives, strategies and tactics. The specific articulation of how the tactics will support the strategies that will achieve the objectives in time. The rationale that supports this course of action

pulled from The Marketing Playbook at

When I have to make a decision on how to spend marketing dollars or my time in pursuing an earned media opportunity, I try to relate the strategy and tactics to my bigger goals. How does this fit in? What is my return on investment? How is this targeting/reaching a specific audience? And the ultimate question So What?. (I love asking myself that question).

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