Think about it...word of mouth advertising automatically has a higher level of credibility because usually the source is a friend, family member, neighbor, or other acquaintance. This is where it can get tricky - a negative referral from a trusted source can do a lot of damage. But a positive recommendation can do wonders for your business!
Word of mouth is so low tech and so easily understood. But the difficulty that marketers face is how can you go about getting it? It's not as though you can just pay someone to go around raving about your business.
While you can't easily buy word of mouth, what you can do is treat every contact and social interaction with word of mouth in mind. Act as though you are a walking billboard for your Urban Botanic business. I don't mean you should literally slap the UB logo on all of your clothes, but carry yourself as an ambassador for your business. At all times (not just when you have your UB apron on in front of a party!). People like to do business with nice, friendly people. They want to do business with someone they actually like.
Another tactic you can use is to ask your happy customers to recommend you to their friends. Yes, it's just that simple. At the end of a party, ask them to let their other friends know how much they enjoyed Urban Botanic.
One very smart thing to do is determine who in your sphere of influence are the "connectors". You know, those people who seem to know everyone, have holiday card lists a mile long, and tend to be influencers when it comes to personal style. Offer to do a one-on-one consult with your connectors, since they tend to have very busy calendars and might not be able to make a party or open house. A connector is exactly the person you want evangelizing your UB business!
And, it goes without saying that outstanding customer service with a personal touch is absolutely key!
Here are some interesting statistics about word of mouth, or buzz, marketing.
When an interesting new product is discovered:
43% will try it with no recommendation
37% wait for a friend to endorse it
16% wait until it is on the market for a while
When a product or services impresses them:
55% percent will tell close friends and family
38% will tell anyone who will listen
2% keep it to them selves
According to research done by Osterman Research, some of the most important things about a brand or product that encourage word of mouth are:
satisfied customers (53%)
great products or services (27%)
an exciting brand (13%)
Interestingly, low prices ranked at 0%.
satisfied customers (53%)
great products or services (27%)
an exciting brand (13%)
Interestingly, low prices ranked at 0%.
Your word of mouth buzz will work in conjunction with your other marketing efforts. Consider it one point of contact. Bolstering your small army of word-of-mouthers should be other marketing tactics - direct mail, email newsletters, social networking, print ads, and other efforts. All of these activities will build awareness about your business and bring in party bookings and new team members.
I definately find this to be true! I have a real estate agent and a female minister that have been my best advertisement since attending my very first party--look for "bubbly" personalities!
Very timely information. I think we've all heard that word of mouth advertising is the best there is. We all want customer evangalists who purchase from us regularily and are driven to tell others about the positive experiences they've had with us.
Has anyone out there heard about WideCircles.com. It seems like a way better service then regular pay per click. Apparently they are using refering websites ( forums, blogs, wiki, etc. ) and have a viral word of mouth distributed approach to it which is engaging rather ther then interrupting customers. My friend told me he got over 500 visits from single post which cost him around $0.40c, within a few days. I am going to give them a try today . In case you are intrested here is it. http://widecircles.com?imt=3
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