I have hinted around at this new side business but now it's time to officially announce it! I am so excited to provide all UB Fragrance Designers with custom marketing materials through AromaGraphics!
With the blessing from the corporate office, I can now provide a whole slew of materials to help you market your UB business. While I am still putting together my website, I thought I didn't want to waste any more time and let you all see the new flyers for the UB Fall promotions.

I have one for the Home Fragrance Collection and one for the U.B.You Signature Fragrance Collection. They both mention the October special of the free oil warming plate. Both flyers are designed to be 8.5x11 so you can print these on your home printer.
These flyers are perfect for tucking into customer bags or handing out at your UB parties. You can also slide them into a plastic sign holder (like $6 at OfficeDepot) to make a nice display for parties, vendor fairs, etc.
I will customize the bottom section with your contact information. And because we are nearly half-way through October, I will send you another version to use in November (if the promo continues, or if it doesn't, I will update accordingly).
Introductory Specials!
Package A $25.00
Both October special flyers emailed to you as PDFs, customized with your contact info. I will also send you another set to use after the October promo so you really get your money's worth! That's four custom flyers for just $25!
Package B $45.00
>> Both October special flyers, plus a second set to use after October (second set emailed at a later date).

>> UB Product Info sheet. This great to use at big parties, birthday parties, or when the UB products are bought as gifts. I tuck one in with every bag!
>> Generic UB marketing postcard design. The specs are set up so you can print these at VistaPrint, usually they have a 100 cards for free coupon! With a blank back side, you can use these cards for invites, to handwrite a note to a customer, to include with product samples...the choice is yours!
Six marketing pieces to you for $45!
NOTE - Because I don't have the shopping cart function set up yet, I will email you an invoice through PayPal. Once I have payment, I'll send you your PDFs.
To order or if you have questions, you can reach me directly at kelseymfoster@yahoo.com!